Data Standards and Sharing Working Group

The IBI Data Standards and Sharing Working Group aims to facilitate discovery, harmonization and use of data across IBI participants and other global research initiatives, international neuroscience-relevant societies, and neuroscience researchers through the following:

  • implementing mechanisms for searching across datasets

  • assuring data interoperability

  • developing data federation strategies

  • understanding data governance policies of different initiatives

  • promoting clear data governance policies to facilitate international collaborations

  • establishing training programs on data standards and best practices

Working Group Members

Working Group Activities:

At the Roundtable in January 2020 and the first WG meeting in February 2020, the following three initial goals were selected:

  1. To publish a white paper proposing the best practices in data governance and pointing to any needs for international alignment.

  2. To collect information about what kinds of data initiatives have collected and to clarify the measures for interoperability. 

  3. To collect information about ongoing efforts and to identify unmet needs in training to facilitate data sharing and usage.

Working Group Meetings: